Usage tracking and software compliance

Usage tracking tracks login information for certain EMC software over time. Software compliance is using the software in conformance with the agreements governing the software license. While the information provided by usage tracking can assist with software compliance, you cannot rely upon it as your only source of compliance information.

Usage tracking reports are provided on an "AS IS" basis for informational purposes only. Inaccuracies can arise due to a number of factors such as inconsistencies in the setup of the global registry, access rights, customizations, availability of usage information within the software asset, and other similar issues. This can result in the collection and reporting of erroneous information. EMC shall not be liable for any errors or omissions in the data, its collection and/or reporting by usage tracking. Regardless of the information provided by usage tracking, customers remain fully liable for utilizing the affected software in full compliance with the authorizing terms and quantities specified in the contract(s), quotes and purchase orders that governed the customer procurement of the software.