The type property is a repeating property. The object type specified at each index position is associated with the WHERE clause qualification defined in the predicate at the corresponding position.
The dump operation dumps objects of the specified type and any of its subtypes that meet the qualification specified in the predicate. Consequently, it is not necessary to specify each type by name in the type property. For example, if you specify the SysObject type, then Content Server dumps objects of any SysObject or SysObject subtype that meets the qualification.
Use the following guidelines when specifying object types and predicates:
The object type must be identified by using its internal name, such as dm_document or dmr_containment.
Object type definitions are only dumped if objects of that type are dumped or if objects that are a subtype of the type are dumped.
This means that if a subtype of a specified type has no objects in the repository or if no objects of the subtype are dumped, the dump process does not dump the subtype’s definition. For example, suppose you have a subtype of documents called proposal, but there are no objects of that type in the repository yet. If you dump the repository and specify dm_document as a type to dump, the type definition of the proposal subtype is not dumped.
This behavior is important to remember if you have user-defined subtypes in the repository and want to ensure that their definitions are loaded into the target repository.
To dump subtype definitions for types that have no objects instances in the repository or whose objects are not dumped, you must explicitly specify the subtype in the dump script.
If you have created user-defined types that have no supertype, be sure to explicitly include them in the dump script if you want to dump objects of those types. For example, the following commands will include all instances of your_type_name:
If you have system or private ACLs that are not currently associated with an object, they are not dumped unless you specify dm_acl as a type in the dump script. For example, include the following lines in a dump script to dump all ACLs in the repository (including orphan ACLs):
append,c,l,type dm_acl append,c,l,predicate 1=1
You may want to specify a qualification in the predicate to exclude orphaned internal ACLs.
By default, storage area definitions are only included if content associated with the storage is dumped. If you want to dump the definitions of all storage areas, even though you may not dump content from some, include the storage type (file store, linked, and distributed) explicitly in the dump script.
When you dump the dm_registered object type, Content Server dumps only the object (dm_registered) that corresponds to the registered table. The underlying RDBMS table is not dumped. Use the dump facilities of the underlying RDBMS to dump the underlying table.