By default, a dump operation on content in file stores, EMC Centera stores, or NetApp SnapLock stores does not include content. Instead, when an object with content is dumped, the operation places a reference to the content in the dump file. If the content is stored in a file system, the reference is a file system path. If the object is stored in a retention storage system, the reference is the content’s address.
When the dump file is loaded into the target repository, any file systems referenced for content must be visible to the server at the target site. For content in retention storage, the ca_store object at the target site must have an identical definition as the ca_store object at the source repository and must point to the same storage system used by the source repository.
In the target repository, the storage objects for the newly loaded content must have the same name as the storage objects in the source repository but the filepaths for the storage locations must be different.
The owner of the target repository must have Read permission in the content storage areas of the dumped repository when the load operation is executed. The load operation uses the target repository owner’s account to read the files in the source repository and copy them into the target repository.