New repositories are not empty. They contain various cabinets and folders created by the installation process, such as:
A user object for the repository owner
A cabinet for the repository owner
The docu group
The System cabinet, which contains a number of subfolders
The Temp cabinet
When you load a dump file into a new repository, these objects are not replaced by their counterparts in the dump file because they already exist in the new repository.
However, if you have changed any of these objects in the source repository (the source of the dump file), the changes are lost because these objects are not loaded. For example, if you have added any users to the docu group or if you have altered permissions on the System cabinet, those changes are lost.
To ensure that any changes you have made are not lost, fetch from the source repository any of the system objects that you have altered and then use the Dump method to get a record of the changes. For example, if the repository owner’s cabinet was modified, use the following command sequence to obtain a listing of its property values:
After the load operation, you can fetch and dump the objects from the new repository, compare the new dump results with the previous dump results, and make any necessary changes.
Documentum provides a utility that you can run on a dump file to tell you what objects that you must create in the new repository before you load the dump file. The utility can also create a DQL script that you can edit and then run to create the needed objects. The syntax for the preload utility is:
preload repository [-Uusername] -Ppassword -dump_file filename [-script_file name]
repository is the name of the repository into which you are loading the dump file.
filename is the name of the dump file.
name defines a name for the output DQL script.
If you do not include a username, the current user is assumed.
This utility does not report all storage areas in the source repository, but only those that have been copied into the dump file.