Use the instructions in this section to create a calendar.
To create a new calendar:
In Documentum Administrator, navigate to Administration > Workflow Calendar. The Calendars page appears with a list of calendars that exist within the repository.
Click Create Calendar. A calendar-creation interface appears, with the Calendar tab forward.
To base the new calendar on an existing calendar, select the calendar name from the Base calendar list. The default is None.
Type a name for the calendar. You can also type a description.
Click Next. The Periods tab appears, allowing you to create separate periods of time.
Type a name for a period within the calendar.
Select a Start date and End date for this period.
Scroll down to display the Working days group of settings.
For at least one day of the week, select a Start time and an End time .
To set the same time for multiple working days, select the days of the week and then select Use same time for all checked days.
Scroll down to display the Non-working days group of settings.
If necessary, specify non-working days:
To identify a day as a non-working day, specify a date, optionally specify a name, and click Add. The date appears in the list of non-working days.
To edit a non-working day, select it from the list and click the Edit link. Change the date, change the name, or both. Click Add again. The list of non-working days is updated to reflect your changes.
To delete a non-working day, select it from the list and click the Delete link. The list of non-working days is updated to reflect your changes.
Click Next. The Details tab appears, displaying the list of events that are associated with the calendar.
If necessary, add, edit, or delete periods in your calendar:
To add a period to your calendar, click Add. The Periods tab reappears. Repeat the steps that apply to the Periods tab for each additional period in your calendar.
To edit a period in your calendar, select it and click Edit. The Periods tab reappears. Repeat the steps that apply to the Periods tab for each period that you want to edit.
To delete a period from your calendar, select it and click Delete. The period is removed from the list.
Click Next. The Permissions tab appears.
Superusers can create, edit, or delete business calendars. Users with the bpmuser role can create business calendars and can edit or delete their own business calendars. Any user can see the business calendars created by others.
Use this tab to manage the permissions for the business calendar.
Click Finish.
The system saves the calendar to the /System/Workflow/Calendar folder.