Custom rules define assignment policies based on values of an object’s properties. Specify these properties in the rule using the methods available on DFC’s IDfSysObject, such as getString(), getInt(), or getRepeatingString().
Custom rules follow Java syntax for the conditional statement in the rule. The following are examples of valid custom rules:
Example 11.1. Custom Rules for Assignment Policies
Example Rule 1:
sysObj.getString("owner_name").equals("JSmith") --> filestore_02
Example Rule 2:
sysObj.getString("subject").equals("Policies and Procedures") && sysObj.getOwnerName().equals("JSmith") --> filestore_03
Example Rule 3:
sysObj.getString("subject").equals("smith") && sysObj.getOwnerName().equals("john") --> filestore_03
Note that --> is the correct and required syntax.
For assistance in creating, implementing, or debugging custom rules, please contact Documentum Professional Services or Documentum Developer support.