Usage tracking (dm_usageReport)

EMC provides a complimentary application, EMC Asset Management & Planning (AMP), that collates usage data from multiple global registries and can generate a variety of reports and documents about software usage. EMC Asset Management & Planning (AMP) User Guide contains information about obtaining, installing, and configuring AMP. AMP and Usage Tracking, provides more details about this feature.

Content Server tracks software usage by recording login times. The Content Server global registry contains a registered table, dm_usage_log. This table contains a record of the first and the latest login time for each user of each application that connects to Content Server. A user, dm_report_user, was created when the global registry was configured. This user has read-only access to the dm_usage_log table. The initial password for dm_report_user is the global registry user password.

The dm_usageReport job runs monthly to generate a usage report. To view the report, refer to Viewing job reports. You can also generate a current report. To generate a current report, refer to Running jobs.

The information stored in dm_usage_log can also be exported from the global registry by using a utility program. Execute the following Java utility:

java com.documentum.server.impl.method.license.ExportUsageLog repository dm_report_user password
Where repository is the global registry name and password is the dm_report_user password. Use your OS shell tools to redirect the output to a file.