Content warning (dm_ContentWarning)

The Content Warning tool notifies you when disks that you use for content and index file storage approach a user-defined capacity. The notification is sent to the repository inbox of the queueperson and as an email message. The tool also generates a report that is stored in the Reports folder under the Sysadmin folder in the System cabinet.

The tool determines where the repository is storing its content and index files and then uses operating system commands to determine whether these disks are reaching the specified threshold. When the disk space used meets or exceeds the value in the tools percent_full argument, a notification is sent to the specified queueperson and a report is generated and saved to the repository in /System/Sysadmin/Reports/ContentWarning.

If the tool was run against the content at a remote distributed site, the report name will have the sites server config name appended. For example, if London is a remote site, its report would be found in /System/Sysadmin/Reports/ContentWarningLondon.

The Content Warning tool is installed in the active state by default.