SCS log purge (dm_SCSLogPurgeJob)

Only repositories where you have installed Site Caching Services 5.2 or above contain this job and its associated method. It is similar to the Log Purge job.

Files are considered old and are deleted if they were modified prior to a user-defined cutoff date. By default, the cutoff date is 30 days prior to the current date. For instance, if you run SCS Log Purge on July 27, all log files that were modified before June 28 are deleted. You can change the cutoff interval by setting the -cutoff_days argument for the tool.

SCS Log Purge generates a report that lists all directories searched and the files that were deleted. The report is saved in the repository in /System/Sysadmin/Reports/SCSLogPurge.

The SCS Log Purge tool is installed in the inactive state.