Update statistics (dm_UpdateStats)

The Update Statistics tool generates current statistics for the RDBMS tables.

Generating statistics is always useful, particularly after performing load operations or if table key values in the underlying RDMBS tables are not normally distributed.

When you run the tool against an Oracle database, the tool uses a file that contains commands to tweak the database query optimizer. For Oracle, the file is named custom_oracle_stat.sql. The file is stored in %DOCUMENTUM %\dba\config\repository_name ($DOCUMENTUM /dba/config/repository_name). You can add commands to this file; however, do so with caution. Adding to this file affects query performance. If you do add a command, you can use multiple lines, but each command must end with a semi-colon (;). You cannot insert comments into this file.

For SQL Server you can use the -dbreindex argument to control whether the tool only reports on fragmented tables or reports on fragmented tables and fixes them.

The -dbreindex argument has no effect on a Oracle database.

The tool generates a report that is saved in the repository in System/Sysadmin/Reports/ UpdateStats. The exact format of the report varies for each database.

The Update Statistics tool is installed in the active state, running once a week. Because this tool can be CPU and disk-intensive, it is recommended that you run the tool during off hours for database use. Consult with your RDBMS DBA to determine an optimal schedule for this tool.