Setting default permissions for folders and cabinets

When you create a new user, you assign the user a default folder. Documentum Administrator allows you to select between assigning an existing folder as the default folder or creating a folder with the user’s name. If you have Documentum Administrator create the folder for a new user and you can control the permissions assigned to folder.

To set default permissions for folders:

  1. Create a alias set called UserPropertiesConfiguration.

  2. Assign ownership of the UserPropertiesConfiguration alias set to the repository owner.

    This is the user whose account is used for database access (dm_dbo).

  3. Create two aliases in UserPropertiesConfiguration.

    • DefaultFolderAcl

      Point this alias to the permission set to be applied to the new folder created for new users.

    • DefaultFolderAclDomain

      Point this alias to the user who owns the permission set you use for the DefaultFolderAcl alias.

When you add a user, Documentum Administrator applies the permission set you designate to the new folder. If a new user is not present as an accessor in the permission set, the user is granted write permission on the folder. The permission set for the folder is then modified to a system-generated permission set, but it otherwise has the permissions from the permission set you created.

You can use Documentum Administrator to create a default folder for an existing user and permissions on the set are applied if you have created the necessary alias set and aliases.

If the UserPropertiesConfiguration alias set does not exist and a superuser creates the user, the user owns the folder and has delete permission. If a system administrator creates the user, the user is not the owner of the default folder, but the user has change owner permission on the folder as well as write permission.