You can convert dm_sysobject types and their subtypes to shareable object types for 6.5 repositories. This option is available only on 6.5 repositories where the High-Volume Server license is enabled.
To convert a type to a lightweight sysobject type:
Navigate to Administration > Types to access the Types list page.
A list of existing object types is displayed
Select the type and then select Tools > Convert to lightweight object type.
The Convert Object page is displayed.
Enter information on the Convert Object page:
Shared Parent Type: Select a shareable parent type.
If Recovery Mode is selected, the shared parent type does not need to be an existing type. If it is an existing type, it must be a shareable type.
If Recover Mode is not selected, the shared parent type cannot be an existing type.
Execution Mode: Select one of these options:
Generate a Script Only: Select to only generate the script file. This is the default setting.
Run and Finalize: Select to generate the script file and then run the conversion process.
Run without Finalize: Select to generate the script file and then run the conversion process without changing the original types.
Finalize: Select to replace the original types with the internal types.
Recovery Mode: Select to run the conversion in recovery mode. This field appears when Execution Mode is Run without Finalize.
Default Parent Id: Specify the parent ID to assign for lightweight sysobjects that are not qualified with any predicates. This field appears when Execution Mode is Run and Finalize or Finalize.
Parent SQL Predicate: Specify a SQL predicate to qualify a set of objects and the parent ID to assign. This field appears when Execution Mode is Run and Finalize or Finalize.
SQL Predicate Parent Id: Specify a SQL predicate to qualify a set of objects and the parent ID to assign. This field appears when Execution Mode is Run and Finalize or Finalize.