An alias set is an object that defines one or more aliases and their corresponding values. An alias is a placeholder for user names, group names, or folder paths. Content Server provides various alias sets that are installed by default. In Documentum Administrator, all alias sets for a repository are located in the Administration > Alias Sets node.
Aliases can be used in:
SysObjects or SysObject subtypes, in the owner_name, acl_name, and acl_domain properties
ACL template objects, in the r_accessor_name property
Workflow activity definitions (dm_activity objects), in the performer_name property
A Link or Unlink method, in the folder path argument
Any user can create an alias set. However, only the owner of the alias set or a superuser can change or delete an alias set. If the server API is used, the constraints are different:
To change the owner of an alias set, you must be either the owner of the alias set or have superuser privileges.
To change other properties or to delete an alias set, you must be the owner of the alias set or a user with system administrator or superuser privileges.