Use these instructions to view the properties of an index agent. You can modify the following index agent properties, but it is recommended that you do not change the values:
Exporter Thread Count
This is the number of concurrent exporter threads run by the index agent. The default value is 3. If you change the exporter thread count, you must restart the index agent for the change to take effect.
Polling Interval
This is the frequency, in seconds, at which the index agent polls for queue items. The default value is 60.
To view or modify index agent properties:
Connect to the repository as user who has system administrator or superuser privileges.
Navigate to Administration > Indexing Management > Index Agents and Index Servers.
Select the index agent and then select File > Properties.
If required, modify the exporter thread count or polling interval properties.
It is recommended that you do not modify the default values.
Click OK to save the changes or Cancel to exit without saving.