Set the version criteria for a records migration job on the Define Version page. At least one version criterion must be selected.
To set the version criteria for a records migration job:
To migrate the current version, select Affect the current version.
To migrate previous versions, select Affect the previous versions and select one of the following:
Affect all previous versions
This is the default choice.
Affect previous versions
Optionally type a number of most recent previous versions to ignore.
Affect only this specified version
Type the version you want affected, for example, 1.0.
Affect all versions prior to and including this version
For example, if you type 1.14, versions 1.0 through 1.14 are affected.
Affect all versions prior to this specific version
For example, if you type 1.14, versions 1.0 through 1.13 are affected. To exclude a number of older versions, type that number. If the specific version is 1.14 and the number of versions to ignore is 3, only versions 1.0 through 1.10 are affected.
Click OK.