Defining selection criteria for a records migration job

Use the Selection Criteria page to define selection criteria for a records migration job. At least one criterion must be selected. The four primary choices are not mutually exclusive; you can select any combination of the following:

To define selection criteria:

  1. To select documents by location:

    1. Select the Select documents by location checkbox.

    2. Select the Use descend flag checkbox to include all subfolders of the folder location.

    3. Click the Select location link, select a cabinet or folder, and then click OK.

  2. To select documents by age:

    1. Select the Select documents by age checkbox.

    2. Select a unit of time from the drop-down list and type a number in the field before the drop-down list.

      For example, type 30 and select Days, or type 12 and select Weeks.

    3. From the Use age criteria drop-down list, select the correct date property from which to measure the units of time: creation date, modify date, or access date.

  3. To select documents by properties:

    1. Select the Select documents by attributes checkbox.

    2. Select the Select attribute link to access the Choose an attribute page, locate the correct property, select the checkbox next to its name, and click OK.

    3. From the drop-down list, select a Comparison operator, such as is or begins with.

      This is the operator to use to compare the current value of the property you selected with the value entered in the Attribute Value field.

    4. Type a value in the Attribute value field.

      This is the value to compare with the current value of the property on which migration is based.

      For example, if you want to migrate all records with a Project Name property of Proton, type Proton here.

  4. To select documents by version, select the Select documents by version checkbox and type a version label.

    For example, type CURRENT.

  5. To search all versions matching the selection criteria, select the Search all versions checkbox.

  6. Click OK.