On the Set Access Permissions page, set the basic and extended permissions for a user.
To assign basic and extended permissions:
To set the user’s basic permissions, select the correct level from the Basic Permissions drop-down list.
The permission levels are cumulative; that is, a user with Read permission on an object can read an associate content file and also view the object’s properties. The permission levels are:
No access is permitted to the object.
Users can view the properties but not the content of the object.
Users can view both the properties and content of the object.
Users can browse, read, and add annotations to the object.
Users can browse, read, relate, and they can modify the content of the object. Users can check in a new version of the object (with a new version number). Users cannot overwrite an existing version or edit object properties.
Users can browse, read, relate, version, and they can edit object properties and check in the object as the same version.
Users can browse, read, relate, version, write, and delete items.
To assign extended permissions to a user, select the appropriate checkboxes.
The extended user permissions are not cumulative. The extended permission levels are:
Execute Procedure
Superusers can change the owner of an item and can use Execute Procedure to run external procedures on certain item types. A procedure is a Docbasic program stored in the repository as a dm_procedure object.
Change Location
Users with Change Location permissions can move an object in the repository. A user must also have Write permission to move the object. To link an object, a user must also have Browse permission.
Change State
Users with Change State permissions can change the state of an object with a lifecycle applied to it.
Change Permission
Users with Change Permissions can modify the basic permissions of an object.
Change Ownership
Users with Change Ownership permissions can change the owner of the object. If the user is not the object owner or a superuser, the user must also have Write permission.
Extended Delete
Users with the Delete Object extended permission have the right only to delete the object. For example, a user is allowed to delete documents but not to read them. This is useful for Records Management applications where discrete permissions are common.
Click Next to assign the permissions of the next accessor, Finish to assign the same permissions to all accessors whose permissions you are changing, or Cancel to exit the operation without saving any changes.