Viewing assignment policies

The Assignment Policy Inheritance page displays a type, its supertypes, and the assignment policy for each type and supertype with an active assignment policy associated with it.

Use the Assignment Policy Inheritance page to view the assignment policies defined for a type or to understand policy inheritance and gauge the impact of changes to any policies. Knowing the inheritance hierarchy helps with troubleshooting if content files are not saved in the correct storage area for that type.

The page displays a type and its supertypes in descending order, with the type highest in the type hierarchy at the top of the list. The assignment policy associated with each type is displayed, if the assignment policy is active. If the selected type does not have an active assignment policy associated with it, the assignment policy associated with its immediate supertype is applied. If its immediate supertype does not have an active assignment policy, the policy associated with the next supertype in the hierarchy is applied until the SysObject supertype is reached.

An assignment policy is associated with a type in one of two ways:

To view assignment policies associated with a type:

  1. On the Types list page, select the type for which you want to view the associated assignment policies.

  2. Select View > Assignment Policy Inheritance.

    The Assignment Policy Inheritance page is displayed.

  3. To view or modify the assignment policy associated with a type, click the policy name link.

    The Info page for the selected assignment policy displays the properties.

  4. Click OK or Cancel to return to the Types list page.