Configuring, viewing, and editing archives

SAP uses named logical archives to specify target storage. Installations typically have a number of archives relating to different types of information.

WebAdmin allows you to specify rules for archived documents/data from SAP, for example storing different types of information in different locations and specifying access permissions, initiate workflows, or define how received documents are rendered into formats such as HTML and PDF.

All configuration objects created in WebAdmin are stored on Content Server. For example, archived information is stored in the /System/DocLink/SAP/Archive folder.

Configuring, viewing, or editing archives requires administrator privileges.

To configure, view, or edit archives:

  1. Connect to WebAdmin.

  2. Click to expand the ArchiveLink subnode and select the Archive subnode.

    The Archive page displays.

  3. Select File > New > Archive from the menu at the top of the Archive screen.

    The Properties page displays.

  4. Enter the archive name in the Archive Name: field.

    The name can have up to 30 character in length for archives.

  5. Enter the information on the Properties page, as described in the following table:

    Table 25.1. Archive properties


    Archive ID

    A two-letter string that specifies the name of the SAP archive.

    SAP Document Type

    The SAP document type. Select NONE (HTTP provided).

    Documentum Type

    Specifies the Documentum document type.


    Specifies a workflow that is associated with the archive. Select No Workflow.

    Attribute Map

    Specifies the Documentum attributes of an archived document.

    The Folder attribute can be configured. By default, the document is stored in the default cabinet. To specify the folder path, use the same format string as for the Agent attribute maps. For example, FOLDER=/SAP/Archive/AA.


    Specifies filters that are applied during archiving. The following filters are available:

    • Custom Filter: Specifies a server method that is executed when a document is stored. This allows you to filter attributes and to do additional tasks when a document is saved.

    • Built-in Filter: Specifies which filters are applied to convert the ALF format into XML for output to PDF, ASCII, or HTML.

    • Service-based business objects (SBO): Customize archived object behavior.

    For more information about filtering, refer to the Content Services for SAP Administration Guide.

  6. Click OK to save the archive configuration.