Modifying general server configuration information

Use these instructions to create or modify the general server information, such as the server host, the platform on which the server is running, code pages and locales.

To modify general server configuration information:

  1. Navigate to Administration > Basic Configuration > Content Servers.

    The Content Server Configuration list page displays.

  2. On the Content Server Configuration page, do one of the following:

    • To create a new server configuration object, select File > New > Server Config.

    • To modify an existing server configuration object, select the server configuration object in the Name column, then select View > Properties > Info.

    The Server Configuration Properties page displays with the Info tab selected.

  3. Enter or modify the server configuration object properties, as described in the following table:

    Table 2.8. General server configuration properties

    Field labelValue


    The name of the initial server configuration object created. By default, the server configuration object has the same name as the repository. When you create a new server configuration object, you assign it a new name.

    Host Name

    The name of the host on which the server is installed. Read-only.

    Server Version

    The version, operating system, and database of the server defined by the server configuration object. Read-only.

    Process ID

    The server’s process ID on its host. Read-only.

    Install Owner

    The Documentum installation owner. Read-only.

    Install Domain

    On Windows, the domain in which the server is installed and running. Read-only.

    Trusted Mode

    Indicates whether Trusted Content Services is enabled. Read-only.

    Dormancy Status

    Indicates the dormancy status of Content Server.


    The Dormancy Status label is only visible for 7.0 and later versions of Content Server.

    Update Configuration Changes 

    Re-Initialize Server

    Select to reinitialize the server after the server configuration object is saved.

    Configuration Changes 

    Web Server Location

    The name of the web server host and its domain. Used by client applications for creating DRLs.

    Web Server Port

    Identifies the port the web server uses. The default is 80.

    Agent Launcher

    Defines the method that launches the agent exec process. The default value is agent_exec_method.

    The agent_exec_method is created when you install Content Server. Its name is stored in the agent_launcher property of the server configuration object. It polls jobs that contain scheduling information for methods. Jobs are launched by the agent_exec process.

    To disable all job execution, leave this field empty.

    Click the Select Agent Launcher Method link to access the Choose a method page.

    Operator Name

    The name for the repository operator if the repository operator is not explicitly named on the dmarchive.bat command line or in the Archive or Request method. This must be manually configured. The default is the owner of the server configuration object (the repository owner).

    The repository operator is the user whose Inbox receives all archive and restore requests.

    Click the Select Operator link to access the Choose a user page.

    Server Cache Size

    The maximum number of objects allowed in the server cache. The default is 200.

    Client Cache Size

    The maximum permitted size of the client cache, expressed as the number of objects. The default is 50.

    Network File Share

    Indicates whether the server is using Network File Share for file sharing.

    Checkpoint Interval

    Defines the interval at which the server broadcasts service information to connection brokers. The unit of measurement is seconds. The default is 300 seconds.

    Keep Entry Interval

    Specifies how long each connection broker keeps a server entry if the connection broker does not receive checkpoint broadcasts from the server. This time limit is included in the server’s broadcast information.

    By default, the value is 1,440 minutes (24 hours).

    Locale Name

    Indicates the server locale.

    The value is determined during server installation.

    Default Client Codepage

    The default codepage for clients. The value is determined programmatically and is set during server installation. In general, it does not need to be changed.

    Options are:

    • UTF-8

    • ISO_8859-1

    • Shift_JIS

    • EUC-JP

    • EUC-KR

    • US-ASCII

    • ISO_10646-UCS-2

    • IBM850

    Server OS Codepage

    The code page used by the operating system of the machine on which the server resides. The value is determined programmatically and is set during server installation. In general, this value is not changed.

    Options are:

    • UTF-8

    • ISO_8859-1

    • Shift_JIS

    • EUC-JP

    • EUC-KR

    • US-ASCII

    • ISO_10646-UCS-2

    • IBM850

    Turbo Backing Store

    The name of the file store storage area where the server puts renditions generated by indexing blob and turbo content. The default is filestore_01.

    Rendition Backing Store

    The name of the file store storage area where the server will store renditions generated by full-text indexing operations.

    Modifications Comments

    Remarks on changes made to the server configuration object in this version.

    SMTP Server

    The name of the computer hosting the SMTP Server that provides mail services to Content Server.

    The value is provided during server installation.

    Workflow Agent Worker Threads

    The number of workflow agent worker sessions. The maximum value is 1000. The default value is 3. Setting this to 0 disables the workflow agent.

    For more information about workflows, refer to Configuring the workflow agent.

    Secure Connect Mode

    Specifies whether type of connection the server accepts. Options are:

    • Dual: Uses encrypted and unencrypted connections.

    • Native: Uses unencrypted connections only.

    • Secure: Uses encrypted connections only.

    If you change the mode, you must restart the server. Re-initializing the server does not suffice.

    Maximum Content Migration Threads

    Defines a valid value range for the argument PARALLEL_DEGREE for parallel content migration when running MIGRATE_CONTENT administration method or setting up a migration policy rule. Valid values are between 1 and 128.

    This option requires a Content Storage Services license that is enabled on the Content Server.

    System Shutdown Timeout

    The time in seconds that the workflow agent attempts to shut down work items gracefully after receiving a shutdown command. The default value is 120 seconds.

    When the timeout value expires, the server takes over and shuts down the workflow agent. This feature is only applicable for repositories that use multiple Content Servers.

    If the timeout period is exceeded (or is set to zero), Content Server takes over and shuts down the workflow agent immediately.

    If the timeout period is a negative value, Content Server waits for the workflow agent threads to complete the automatic tasks held by workflow agent workers before shutting down gracefully.

    For more information about system shutdown behavior, refer to Changing the system shutdown timeout.

    Authorization Settings 

    Inherit Permission Set From

    The permission set the server uses for new objects if a user fails to specify a permission set for an object or fails to specify that no default permission set is wanted. Options are:

    A User permission set is defined for a user when a system administrator, superuser, or repository owner creates a user. This permission set can be used as the permission set for any object created by the user. Because user objects are not subtypes of SysObject, the permission set is not used to enforce any kind of security on the user. A User permission set can only be used as a default permission set.

    A Type permission set is associated with the type definition for a SysObject or SysObject subtype. A Type permission set can only be used as a default permission set.

    A Folder permission set is associated with a folder or cabinet. If a user wants to change a folder or cabinet’s properties, modify the folder or cabinet object itself, or move, copy, or link an object to the folder, the server uses the permissions in the associated permission set to determine whether the user can perform the requested operation.

    Default Alias Set

    The default alias set for new objects. Click the Select Alias Set link to access the Choose an alias set page.

    Enabled LDAP Servers

    The LDAP configuration objects for LDAP servers used for user authentication and synchronization.

    Click the Select link to access the Choose LDAP Server Configurations page to add LDAP servers.

    Maximum Login Ticket Expiration Time

    The maximum length of time, in minutes, that a login ticket generated by the current server can remain valid. The minimum value is 1 minute. The maximum value is 43200 minutes (30 days). The default value at server installation is 43200.

    Default Login Ticket Expiration Time

    The default length of time, in minutes, that a login ticket generated by the current server can remain valid. The value must always be less than or equal to the maximum login ticket expiration time. The default value is 5 minutes.

    Application Access

    Application access control (AAC) tokens are encoded strings that may accompany connection requests from applications. The information in a token defines constraints on the connection request. If selected, a connection request received by this server from a non-superuser must be accompanied by a valid application access control token and the connection request must comply with the constraints in the token.

    Superuser Access

    When selected, a user with superuser privileges cannot connect to the server using a global login ticket.

  4. Do one of the following:

    • If you are creating a server configuration object, click Next to configure connection brokers.

    • If you are modifying an existing server configuration object, click OK to save your changes or click one of the other tabs to make additional changes.