Managing types

In Documentum Administrator, types are managed on the Types page under the Administration > Types node. On the Types page, you can filter types by selecting All, DCTM Types, or Custom Types from the list box. Types whose names are displayed as underlined links have subtypes. If you click the name, the subtypes are displayed. To navigate back to a previous list page, click a link in the breadcrumb at the top of the page. The Category and Parent Type columns only appear on the Types page if the High-Volume Server license is enabled and the Content Server version is 6 or later.

From the Types page, you can:

Assignment policies determine the correct storage area for content files. A new type inherits a default assignment policy from the nearest supertype in the type hierarchy that has an active assignment policy associated with it. After the type is created, associate a different assignment policy with the type.

For more information on types, refer to The Data Model chapter in Content Server Fundamentals. For complete information on the system-defined object types, including the properties of each type, refer to the Object Reference Manual.