Duplicating a content delivery configuration

Create a new content delivery configuration by duplicating and then modifying a content delivery configuration that is thoroughly tested and successfully used in production. The IDS Configuration Template stores default values that you can use to create new content delivery configurations.

To duplicate a content delivery configuration:

  1. Connect to the repository from which you are publishing.

  2. Navigate to Administration > Content Delivery > IDS Configurations.

    The Interactive Delivery Services Configuration list page appears.

  3. Select the content delivery configuration to duplicate and then select File > Save as.

    The New Content Delivery Configuration - Info page for the new content delivery configuration appears. The object name of the configuration defaults to

    Copy [1] of configuration_name 
    where configuration_name is the name of the original configuration.

  4. Modify fields that need to be changed on the New Content Delivery Configuration - Info, New Content Delivery Configuration- Advanced, New Content Delivery Configuration - Replication, and New Content Delivery Configuration - Extra Arguments pages.

    Note: New Content Delivery Configuration - Replication page is available only in IDSx.

  5. If you export properties, ensure that you change the table name for the exported properties.

  6. Click OK.

    The new configuration is saved and the Interactive Delivery Services Configuration list page appears.