Testing content delivery configurations

After creating a content delivery configuration, test it by running the end-to-end tester, which simulates a publishing operation without publishing any documents. The end-to-end tester tests all parameters set in a publishing configuration and ensures that IDS/IDSx can make the necessary connections to the database and target host.

The end-to-end tester creates a log file in the repository whether the test fails or succeeds. View the resulting log file after running the tester. If the test fails, examine the log file to determine which element of your IDS/IDSx installation is not working. You can read the file from Documentum Administrator or retrieve it directly from the repository where IDS/IDSx log files are stored in the /System/Sysadmin/Reports/Webcache folder.

To test a content delivery configuration:

  1. Connect to the repository from which you are publishing.

  2. Navigate to Administration > Content Delivery > IDS Configurations.

    The Interactive Delivery Services Configuration list page appears.

  3. Select the content delivery configuration to test and then select Tools > End to End Test.

    The End to End Configuration page appears.

  4. On the End to End Configuration page, select a trace level and then click OK to run the end-to-end test.

    The Content Delivery Configuration Publish Result page appears.

  5. Click the link to access the Content Delivery Configuration Log page to view the publishing log.

  6. Click OK to return to the Content Delivery Configuration Publish Result page.

  7. Click OK again to return to the Interactive Delivery Services Configuration page.