The RemoveExpiredRetnObjects tool removes objects with expired retention dates from content-addressed storage areas. It is available only in repositories version 5.2.5 SP1 and later, and can be used only in content-addressable storage areas.
The tool invokes the CHECK_RETENTION_EXPIRED administration method to determine which objects to remove. By default, the tool operates only on objects stored in content-addressable storage areas that require a retention date. You can also direct the tool to operate on content-addressable storage areas that allow but do not require a retention date by setting the INCLUDE_ZERO_RETENTION_OBJECTS argument. The tool never includes objects stored in content-addressable storage areas that do not allow retention periods. For more information on retention type storage areas, refer to Storage.
The tool generates a status report that provides a list of the deleted objects. The report is saved in the repository in /System/Sysadmin/Reports/ RemoveExpiredRetnObjects. For each deleted object, the report lists the following properties:
The retention_date property is a computed property.
In addition to the -queueperson and -window_interval arguments, the tool takes two arguments:
-query qualification, a string argument which identifies the objects that are selected for possible removal.
This is a DQL where clause qualification.
-include_zero_retention_objects, a Boolean argument that is set to FALSE by default.
Setting this to T (TRUE) directs the job to consider objects stored in a content-addressable storage area that allows but does not require a retention period.
After you find and remove the repository objects that have expired content, use Dmclean with the -include_ca_store argument to remove the resulting orphaned content files and content objects. For more information on Dmclean, refer to Dmclean (dm_DMClean).
Refer to CHECK_RETENTION_EXPIRED in the Administration method operations section of the Content Server DQL Reference Manual for information about the method underlying RemoveExpiredRetnObjects.