Creating records migration jobs

Records migration jobs move content files from one storage area to another. The target storage area can be another file store storage area or a secondary storage medium, such as an optical jukebox or a tape. If the target storage area is secondary storage, the storage must be defined in the repository as a storage area. That is, it must be represented in the repository by some type of storage object. When you define the records migration job, you can define parameters for selecting the files that are moved. For example, you might want to move all documents that carry a particular version label or all documents created before a particular date. All the parameters you define are connected with an AND to build the query that selects the content files to move.

When a records migration job runs, it generates a report that lists the criteria selected for the job, the query built from the criteria, and the files selected for moving. You can execute the job in report-only mode, so that the report is created but the files are not actually moved.

You must have superuser privileges to create a records migration job.

To create a records migration job:

  1. Navigate to Administration > Job Management > Jobs.

    The Jobs list page displays.

  2. Select File > New > Records Migration Job.

    The New Records Migration Job page displays with the Info tab selected.

  3. Enter information on the Info tab, as described in Table 7.3.

  4. Click the Schedule tab and enter schedule information for the records migration job, as described in Table 7.4.

  5. Click the Rules tab and enter rules information for the records migration job, as described in Setting the rules of a records migration job.

  6. Click the SysObject Info tab and enter SysObject information for records migration job, as described in Creating, viewing, or modifying SysObject properties.

  7. Click Finish.