Choosing replication and security modes

On the Replication Options tab, you select a replication mode and a security mode.

The replication modes are:

The security modes determine how a permission set is assigned to replica objects in the target repository. The security modes are:

Depending on whether you selected federated or non-federated (external) mode, the two security modes behave differently and replica objects are stored differently, as described in Table 7.8.

For more information about the two replication modes, refer to the sections External Replication Mode and Federated Replication Mode in Chapter 1, Building Blocks and Models, in the Distributed Configuration Guide.

Table 7.8. Security mode behavior

SelectionReplication Mode

Federated and Preserve

  • If the permission set of a replicated object exists in the target repository, the replica is assigned that permission set.

  • If the permission set of a replicated object does not exist in the target repository, the permission set in the source repository is replicated to the target repository and the replica is assigned that permission set.

  • Replica objects in the target repository are stored in the same storage area as in the source repository.

    If the storage area does not exist in the target repository, replica objects are stored in the default storage area designated in the replication job.

Non-Federated and Preserve

  • If the permission set of a replicated object exists in the target repository, the replica is assigned that permission set.

  • If the permission set of a replicated object does not exist in the target repository, the replica is assigned the default replica permission set designated in the replication job.

    This is the permission set selected on the Target tab. If no permission set is chosen, the server creates a default permission set that assigns RELATE permission to the every user and group levels and DELETE permission to the replica owner.

  • Replica objects in the target repository are stored in the same storage area as in the source repository.

    If the storage area does not exist in the target repository, replica objects are stored in the default storage area designated in the replication job.

Federated and Remap

  • If the permission set of a replicated object exists in the target repository, the replica is assigned that permission set.

  • If the permission set of a replicated object does not exist in the target repository, the replica is assigned the default replica permission set designated in the replication job.

    This is the permission set selected on the Target tab. If no permission set is selected, the server creates a default permission set that assigns RELATE permission to the every user and group levels and DELETE permission to the replica owner.

  • Replica objects in the target repository are stored in the same storage area as in the source repository.

    If the storage area does not exist in the target repository, replica objects are stored in the default storage area designated in the replication job.

Non-Federated and Remap

  • The replica is assigned the default replica permission set designated in the replication job.

    This is the permission set chosen on the Target tab. If no permission set is selected, the server creates a default permission set that assigns RELATE permission to the every user and group levels and DELETE permission to the replica owner.

  • Replica objects are stored in the replica storage area designated in the replication job.