Setting BOCS server security

The BOCS server security properties specify whether the BOCS server is in push or pull mode and whether to upload a public key from the BOCS server.

When the pull mode is enabled, the BOCS server configuration object in the global registry contains the public key information and generates an electronic signature for the BOCS server to use when contacting the DMS server. When the BOCS server connects to the DMS server in pull mode, it sends its electronic signature to DMS where DMS matches the electronic signature to the public key in the bocs configuration object. If the DMS server authenticates the BOCS electronic signature, the BOCS server can then pull its messages from the DMS server.

Figure 3.1. New BOCS Server Configuration - Security page

To set BOCS server security:

  1. Connect to the global registry associated with the DFC installation using superuser privileges.

  2. Navigate to Administration > Distributed Content Configuration > BOCS Servers.

  3. Do one of the following:

    • Select File > New > BOCS Server Configuration to create a BOCS server configuration object. Enter the BOCS server properties on the Info tab.

    • Select a BOCS server configuration object, then select View > Properties > Info to view or modify a BOCS server configuration object.

  4. Click the Security tab and enter, view, or modify the security properties for the BOCS server, as described in Table 3.7.

  5. Click OK to save changes.

Table 3.7. BOCS server security properties

Field labelValue

Pull Mode Enabled

Specifies whether the BOCS server communicates with the DMS server using the pull mode. If you select this option, must also upload the public key file for the DMS server to use to authenticate the BOCS server.

If this option is not selected, the BOCS server communicates with the DMS server using the push mode.

Public Key Installed

Displays the last updated status for the public key.

Upload Public Key File

Click Browse to locate and install the public key file for the BOCS server.