Viewing active Java method servers

All active Java method servers are displayed on the Active Java Method Servers List.

To display all active Java method servers:

  1. Log in to a repository and navigate to Administration > Basic Configuration > Java Method Servers.

  2. Select Tools > Active Java Method Servers List.

    The Active Java Methods Servers List page displays with the information described in Table 2.17.

    To reset the information on the Active Java Methods Servers List page, click Refresh.

Table 2.17. Active Java method server information

Field labelDescription

Associated Content Server

The Content Server with which the JMS cache is associated.

Last Refreshed Time

The last time the Content Server JMS cache was reset.

Incremental Wait Time on Failure

The time Content Server waits before contacting the JMS, if the JMS fails to respond.

The wait time is doubled each time the JMS fails to respond until the maximum wait time is reached.

Maximum Wait Time on Failure

The maximum wait time Content Server keeps trying to contact the JMS, if the JMS fails to respond.

Java Method Server in Use

The name of the active Java method server that was used last time.


Java Method Servers associated with the Content Server



The name of the JMS configuration object.

Is Enabled

Specifies whether the Java method server is enabled or disabled.


The current status of the JMS configuration object.

Content Server location

Specifies whether the JMS is associated with a remote Content Server. Valid values are:

  • Java Method Server for primary Content Server: The associated Content Server is local.

  • Java Method Server for secondary (or additional) Content Server: The associated Content Server is remote.

Last Failure Time

The last time the JMS failed to respond.

Next Retry Time

The next time the Content Server tries to contact the JMS, if the JMS fails to respond.

Failure Count

The number of times the JMS failed to respond.