Creating, viewing, or modifying Atmos stores

Use these instructions to create and manage Atmos stores.

To create, view, or modify an Atmos store:

  1. Connect to the repository, where you want to create, view or modify an Atmos store.

  2. Select Administration > Storage Management > Storage.

    The Storage list page displays.

  3. Do one of the following:

    • To create an Atmos store, select File > New > Atmos Store.

    • To view or modify an existing Atmos store, select a Atmos store, then select View > Properties > Info.

  4. Enter information on the New Atmos Store - Info page to create an Atmos store, or view or modify the information on the Atmos Store Properties - Info page.

    Some of the fields cannot be modified for an existing Atmos store. Table 11.9 describes all Atmos store properties.

  5. Click OK to save your changes.

Table 11.9. Atmos store properties

Field labelDescription
NameThe name of the Atmos store. The name must be unique within the system. The name of an existing Atmos store cannot be modified.
URLThe URL the server uses to communicate with the Atmos store.
Full Token IDA combination of subtenant ID and a UID within that subtenant, both in the Atmos system that is being targeted. The format is subtenant ID/UID.
Shared SecretThe password of the user accessing the Atmos store.

Managing authentication

The Web service uses a combination of the Token ID, and other request headers to produce a signature that authenticates the user accessing the web service. It uses a combination of various pieces of the message to validate the identity of the sender, integrity of the message, and non-repudiation of the action. The Token ID that you received via e-mail from the portal agent administrator consists of the subtenant ID, and the UID separated by a slash (/). The subtenant ID is a randomly generated, 32 character alphanumeric string, which is unique to each customer. The UID, however, is unique to a web-based application. The UID, which appears after the slash, is comprised of a portion of the customer name, and a randomly generated string. For example, if the customer name is ’ACME’, then the UID string appends the additional random characters. The whole Token ID contains 53 uppercase characters including the slash, as shown in the following example: 5f8442b515ec402fb4f39ffab8c8179a/ACME03GF52E8D8E581B5

To complete the authentication operation, you must generate a signature using the shared secret, which is associated with the UID. The shared secret is a value generated by the EMC Storage Utility Agent responsible for managing this application. The shared secret appears in the same e-mail message that contains the Token ID. The following sample represents a typical shared secret: MBqhzSzhZJCQHE9U4RBK9ze3K7U=