Viewing, creating, or modifying formats

Use the instructions in this section to view, create, or modify formats.

To view, create, or modify a format:

  1. Navigate to Administration > Formats to access the Formats list page.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • To create a format, select File > New > Format.

      The New Format page displays with the Info tab selected.

    • To modify a format, select the format, then select View > Properties.

      The Format Properties page displays with the Info tab selected.

  3. Complete the properties for the new format, as described in Table 9.1.

  4. Click OK to save the format or Cancel to exit without saving the changes.

Table 9.1. Format properties

Field labelValue


The name of the format (for example: doc, tiff, or lotmanu).

Default File Extension

The DOS file extension to use when copying a file in the format into the common area, client local area, or storage.


A description of the format.

Com Class ID

The class ID (CLSID) recognized by the Microsoft Windows registry for a content type.

Mime Type

The Multimedia Internet Mail Extension (MIME) for the content type.

Windows Application

The name of the Windows application to launch when users select a document in the format represented by the format object.

Macintosh Creator

Information used internally for managing Macintosh resource files.

Macintosh Type

Information used internally for managing Macintosh resource files.


Identifies the classes or classes of formats to which a particular format belongs. The class property works with all search engines.

To assign a class to a format, click Edit to access the Format Class page. Type a value in the Enter new value box and click Add.

Two values are used by the full-text indexing system to determine which renditions of a document are indexed:

  • ft_always

    All renditions of a document are indexed.

  • ft_preferred

    If a document has multiple renditions in indexable formats and one format is set to ft_preferred, the rendition in that format is indexed as well as any formats with the class value set to ft_always.

    If more than one rendition of a document is set to ft_preferred, the first rendition processed for indexing is indexed and the other renditions are not.

Asset Class

Used by applications. Identifies the kind of asset (video, audio, and so on) represented by this format.

Filename Modifier

The modifier to append to a filename to create a unique file name.

Default Storage

Identifies the default storage area for content files in this format. Click Select to access the Choose a Storage page.

Re-Initialize Server

Select to reinitialize the server so changes occur immediately.

Rich Media

Indicates whether thumbnails, proxies, and metadata are generated for content in this format. You must have Documentum Media Transformation Services installed to generate the thumbnails, proxies, and metada.


Determine whether the format object should appear in the WorkSpace list of formats. Select to hide the object.

Full-Text IndexingSelect to enable the format for full-text indexing.