Providing repository and job information for a job sequence

Use the Connection Info tab on the New Job Sequence or Job Properties page to select repositories and to designate the jobs to run in a job sequence.

To provide connection and job information for a job sequence:

  1. Click the Connection Info tab and enter information in the Job Repositories and Job Sequence Information section, as described in Table 7.10.

  2. Click Finish.

Table 7.10. Job Connection Info properties

Field labelDescription

Job Repositories


Click Add to access the Choose Repositories page.

The system displays a list of available repositories. Select the repositories in which you want to run jobs, click Add, then click OK.

If a repository where you want to run a job is not listed, add a connection broker to which that repository projects. For more information about adding a connection broker, refer to Creating or modifying connection broker projections.

RemoveTo remove a repository from the list, select the repository and click Remove. If jobs in the repository are part of the sequence, you must remove the jobs first.
RepositoryThe name of the repository where you want to run the job. By default, the current repository is listed with the currently-connected superuser, but you are not required to run any jobs in the current repository.
User NameThe login name for the repository.
PasswordThe password for the repository.
DomainSpecify the domain for any repository running in domain-required mode.
Job Sequence Information 

Click Add to add jobs to the sequence.

The system validates the connection information entered in the Job Repositories. When all connection information is valid, the system displays the Choose Jobs page for one of the repositories. It lists jobs in that repository that can be included in the job sequence. Select the jobs to run in the sequence, click Add, then OK.

The selected jobs must be inactive or the job sequence fails when it runs. If you select any active jobs, set them to inactive before the job sequence runs for the first time.

Job NameThe name of the job that are in the job sequence.
Job Dependencies

Specifies the dependencies the job has on other jobs.

Click Edit to designate the job dependencies for each job that must run after another job completes. Select the listed job(s) that must run before the current job runs, then click OK. Each job sequence must include one job that has no predecessors. This job is the first job to run. The jobs in the sequence run in parallel except when a job has a predecessor.

To remove a dependency, click Edit in the Job Sequence section to access the Choose jobs dependency page, clear the checkbox for any selected job, then click OK.

RepositoryThe name of the repository where the job sequence is run.