LDAP Server Configuration properties

Table 2.19 describes the properties on the Info tab of the LDAP Server Configuration page. The properties apply to new and existing LDAP configuration objects.

Table 2.19. LDAP Server Configuration Properties properties



The name of the new LDAP configuration object.

This field is read-only if you are viewing or modifying the LDAP configuration object.


Select the Enable this LDAP Configuration checkbox to enable the LDAP configuration.

Directory Type

Refer to the Release Notes for your version of Documentum Content Server to see which LDAP server versions are supported.

Options are:

  • Sun One/Netscape/iPlanet Directory Server (default)

  • Microsoft Active Directory

  • Microsoft ADAM

  • Oracle Internet Directory Server

  • IBM Directory Server

  • Novell eDirectory

Hostname / IP Address

The name of the host on which the LDAP directory server is running.


For the 7.0 release, use only the hostname and not the IP address. However, you can use both the hostname and IP address in pre-7.0 releases.


The port number where the LDAP directory server is listening for requests.

The default is 389.

Binding Name

The binding distinguished name used to authenticate requests to the LDAP directory server by Content Server or the check password program.

Binding Password

The binding distinguished password used to authenticate requests to the LDAP directory server by Content Server or the check password program.

The Binding Password field only appears on the New LDAP Server Configuration - Info page.

Confirm Password

If adding a new LDAP server configuration, re-enter the binding password for verification.

The Confirm Password field only appears on the New LDAP Server Configuration page.


Click to access the LDAP Server Configuration Properties page to set the password. This link appears only on the LDAP Server Configuration Properties - Info page.


Specifies whether SSL is used for authentication.

SSL Port

Specifies the SSL port. This option only displays when the Use SSL option is selected.

Enter 636 for the SSL port value.

Certificate Location

Specifies the location of the LDAP certificate database. If you selected Use SSL, the default location is ldapcertdb_loc.

If you are using more than one LDAP server in SSL mode, you must store the LDAP certificates a single location, as described in Using multiple LDAP servers in SSL mode.

Validate SSL Connection

If you selected Use SSL, click to validate that a secure connection can be established with the LDAP server on the specified port. If the validation fails, the system displays an error message and you cannot proceed further until valid information is provided.

Follow these manual steps for SSL validation for 6.5x and below Content Servers:

  1. Depending on the operating system (other than Windows 64-bit) on which the application server is installed, copy all the jar files from $Application_root$/WEB-INF/thirdparty/$osname$ to $Application_root$/WEB-INF/lib

    For example, if the operating system on which the DA application is installed is Windows, copy all the jar files from $Application_root$/WEB-INF/thirdparty/win32/ to $Application_root$/WEB-INF/lib

    If the operating system on which the application server is installed is Windows 64-bit and the application server is using 64-bit JDK, do the following:

    1. Backup the jss311.jar file and delete it from $Application_root$/WEB-INF/lib

    2. Copy the jss42.jar file from $Application_root$/WEB-INF/thirdparty/win64/6.0.6 to $AppServer_root$/WEB-INF/lib

  2. Depending on the operating system (other than Windows 64-bit) on which the application server is installed, copy all *.dll, (for Windows) or *.so (for UNIX) files from $Application_root$/WEB-INF/thirdparty/$osname$ to $AppServer_root$/da_dlls


    If the da_dlls folder does not exist in the above specified location, create it.

    For example, if the operating system on which the DA application is installed is Windows, copy all the dll files from $Application_root$/WEB-INF/thirdparty/win32/ to $Application_root$/da_dlls

    If the operating system on which the application server is installed is Windows 64-bit and the application server is using 64-bit JDK, do the following:

    1. Copy the Microsoft.VC90.DebugCRT.manifest file from $Application_root$/WEB-INF/thirdparty/win64/6.0.6 to $AppServer_root$/da_dlls

    2. Copy all *.dll files from $Application_root$/WEB-INF/thirdparty/win64/6.0.6 to $AppServer_root$/da_dlls

  3. Set the path of the dlls in startup batch file of the application server.

    • For Windows operating system: PATH=$AppServer_root$\da_dlls;%PATH%;

    • For UNIX operating system: LD_LIBRARY_Path=$AppServer_root$/da_dlls:%LD_LIBRARY_PATH%:

    • For HP-UX: SHLIB_Path=$AppServer_root$/da_dlls:%LD_LIBRARY_PATH%:

    • For AIX: LIBPATH=$AppServer_root$/da_dlls:%LD_LIBRARY_PATH%:

  4. If the operating system is either HP-UX or AIX, perform this additional step.

    • For HP-UX: Add /opt/java1.5/jre/lib/PA_RISC2.0/native_threads to SHLIB_PATH

    • For AIX: Add /usr/java5/jre/bin/classic to LIBPATH