LDAP Server mapping properties

Table 2.21 describes the properties on the Mapping tab of the LDAP Server Configuration page. The properties apply to new and existing LDAP configuration objects.

Table 2.21. LDAP Server mapping properties


User Object Class

Type the user object class to use for searching the users in the directory server.

User Search Base

Type the user search base. This is the point in the LDAP tree where searches for users start. For example:


User Search Filter

Type the person search filter. This is the name of the filter used to make an LDAP user search more specific. The typical filter is cn=*

Search Builder

Click to access the Search Builder page. This page enables you to build and test a user search filter. When finished, the User Search Filter field is populated with the resulting filter.

Group Object Class

Type the group object class to use for searching the groups in the directory server. Typical values are:

  • For Netscape and Oracle LDAP servers: groupOfUniqueNames

  • For Microsoft Active Directory: group

Group Search Base

Type the group search base. This is the point in the LDAP tree where searches for groups start. For example:


Group Search Filter

Type the group search filter. This is the name of the filter used to make an LDAP group search more specific. The typical filter is cn=*

Search Builder

Click to access the Search Builder page. This page enables you to build and test a group search filter. When finished, the Group Search Filter field is populated with the resulting filter.

Property Mapping

When a new configuration is added, this table populates with the mandatory mapping attributes. The mappings are dependent upon the directory type. This table defines the pre-populated attributes and their mappings. All mapping types are LDAP Attribute.


Click to access the Map Property page to add an attribute. From there, select a Documentum attribute, then select the LDAP attribute to which the Documentum attribute maps or type in a custom value.


Select an attribute and then click Edit to access the Map Property page. On the Map Property page, edit the attribute properties.


Select an attribute and then click Delete to remove an attribute. The system displays the Deletion Confirmation page.

Repository Property

Displays the repository property that is the target of the mapping.


Identifies the source of the property: User or Group.

Map To

Displays which attributes on LDAP that the property is mapped to.

Map Type

Identifies the type of data: LDAP attribute, expressions, or a fixed constant.


Indicates if the mapping is mandatory for the attribute.

Content Server requires three properties to be defined for a user and one property to be defined for a group. The mandatory properties are:

  • user_name

  • user_login_name

  • group_name

You can change the defaults, but you must provide some value or mapping for these properties. Users cannot be saved to the repository without values for these three properties, nor can a group be saved to the repository without a group name.