Configuring privileged client trusted login and trusted server privileges

Privileged Client trusted login and trusted server privileges are configured on the Privileged Client Properties page.

To enable or disable trusted login and trusted server privileges:

  1. Navigate to Administration > Client Rights Management > Privileged Clients to access the Privileged Clients list page.

  2. Click the Manage Clients button on the top right to access the Manage Clients page.


    The Manage Clients button is disabled if a global registry is not configured or is unavailable.

  3. Select the privileged client for which you want to enable or disable trusted login or trusted server privileges and select View > Properties > Info or right-click and select Properties.

    The Privileged Client Properties page displays.

  4. Enable or disable trusted login or trusted server privileges, by selecting the Trusted Login and Trusted Server Privilege fields, as described in Table 18.4.

Table 18.4. Privileged client properties

Field labelValue

Client Name

The name of the DFC client.

Client ID

The unique identifier for the DFC client.

Host Name

The name of the host on which the DFC client is installed.

Client Privilege

Indicates whether the DFC client is approved to perform privilege escalations.

Trusted Login

Specifies whether the client is allowed to create sessions for users without user credentials.

Select this option to enable the client to create sessions for users without credentials.

Trusted Server Privilege

Specifies whether the DFC client is part of a trusted Content Server domain. If this option is enabled, the client has direct access to the repositories on the server.

Is globally managed

Select to propagate the privileged DFC information by domain. Optional property.
Application NameThe application name for the DFC instance. Optional property.