Creating or modifying types

Use the instructions in this section to create new object types. To create a type, you must have superuser, system administrator, or Create Type user privileges. If you have superuser privileges, you can create a subtype with no supertype. Only a superuser or the owner of a type can update the type.

Properties are stored as columns in a table representing the type in the underlying RDBMS. However, not all RDBMSs allow you to drop columns from a table. Consequently, if you delete a property, the corresponding column in the table representing the type may not actually be removed. In such cases, if you later try to add a property to the type with the same name as the deleted property, you receive an error message.

Any changes made to a type apply to all objects of that type, to its subtypes, and to all objects of any of its subtypes.

To create or modify an object type:

  1. Navigate to Administration > Types.

    The Types page displays.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • To create a type, select File > New > Type.

      The New Type page displays with the Info tab selected.

    • To modify a type, select the type, then select View > Properties > Info.

      The Type Properties page displays with the Info tab selected.

  3. Enter or modify the type properties on the Info tab, as described in Table 10.1.

  4. Click Next to access the Attribute tab.

    A list of the properties inherited from the supertype is displayed.

    On the Attribute page, you can

    • Click Add to add a property to the type.

    • Select a property and click Edit to modify the property.

    • Select a property and click Delete to delete the property. You cannot delete the inherited properties.

  5. Click Finish or OK to save your changes.

Table 10.1. Type properties

Field labelValue
Info tab 

Type Name

The name of the object type. This field is read-only in modify mode.

Model Type

This field is read-only in modify mode.

Options are:

  • Standard: This is the default and is for heavy types.

  • Shareable: Defines a shareable SysObject model type for SysObject supertypes and their subtypes.

  • Lightweight: The system checks for the existence of shareable types in the current repository. If there are no shareable types in the current repository, this option is not be available. If selected, the Parent Type, Materialize, and FullText fields become available and the Super Type Name field is not displayed.

Super Type Name

The name of the supertype. The default supertype is dm_document. This field is:

  • Not available if the Model Type is Lightweight.

  • Read-only in modify mode.

Unless you have superuser privileges, you must identify the type’s supertype. If you do have superuser privileges and want to create the type without a Supertype, select NULL as the supertype.

Default Storage

A default file store for the object type.

Default Group

A default group for the type. Click Select Default Group to access to add or change the default group.

Default Permission Set

A default permission set for the type. Click Select Default Permission Set to add or change the default permission set.

Default Assignment Policy

The system displays the default assignment policy for the type, if there is one. This field appears only when modifying a type and if Content Storage Services is enabled for the repository.

Click the link to access the assignment policy. Use the information in Assignment policies to modify the assignment policy or to remove the type from the assignment policy. Use the instructions in the Assignment Policy section to associate a different policy with a particular type.

Enable Indexing

The system displays the Enable Indexing checkbox if:

  • The type is dm_sysobject or its subtype and you are connected as a superuser to a 5.3 SP5 or later repository. If neither of these conditions is met, the system does not display the checkbox.

  • A type and none of its supertypes are registered. The system displays the checkbox cleared and enabled. You can select the checkbox to register the type for full-text indexing.

  • A type is registered and none of its supertypes are registered. The system displays the Enable Indexing checkbox selected and enabled.

  • A supertype of the type is registered for indexing. The system displays the Enable Indexing checkbox selected but disabled. You cannot clear the checkbox.

The system does not display the Enable Indexing checkbox when you create a type. You must first create the type and save it.

If you are registering a particular type for indexing, the system automatically selects all of its subtypes for indexing. When you are registering a type for indexing, the system checks for any of its subtypes that are registered. If a subtype is registered, the system unregisters it before registering the type.


Displays whether a type that can be partitioned is or is not partitioned. This field:

  • Does not appear if the type cannot be partitioned.

  • Displays False if the type can be partitioned but is not.

  • Displays True if the type is partitioned.

Parent Type

This option is available only when creating a type and Model Type is Lightweight. This field is read-only in modify mode. This field appears only if the High-Volume Server license is enabled and the Content Server version is 6 or later.


This option is available only when creating a type and Model Type is Lightweight. This field is read-only in modify mode.

Select one of the following options:

  • Auto materialize: The lightweight object will be automatically materialized to a full object when the object is saved with changes to some attributes of the parent object.

  • Materialize on request: The lightweight object can only be materialized by explicitly calling the materialize API. Any changes to the parent object by the lightweight object before materialization will result in an error.

  • Do not materialize: The lightweight object is not allowed to be materialized. Call the materialize API will result in an error. Any changes to the parent object by the lightweight object will result in an error.

Full Text

This option is available only when creating a type and Model Type is Lightweight. This field is display-only in modify mode.

Select one of the following options:

  • No fulltext: This is the default.

  • Light fulltext: No attributes inherited from the shared parent will be full-text indexed.

  • Full fulltext

Attribute tab 

Attribute Name

The name of the attribute. This field is display-only in modify mode.


The property type.


The size of the property, if the property is the String type.


Yes indicates that a property is inherited from a supertype. No indicates that the property is user-defined. You cannot remove a property inherited from the supertype.


If selected, the property is a repeating property.