Configuring replication properties for a content delivery configuration

Use the properties described in the content delivery replication properties table to configure replication properties for a content delivery configuration.

Table 12.4. Content delivery replication properties

Field labelValue
Replication Target Host Settings 


You can select one of the following states:

  • Active in-transaction:Select this option if you want a replication target to participate in a transactional replication. This is the default value.

  • Active not-in-transaction:Select this option if you want the replication target to participate in a non transactional replication.

  • Inactive: Select this option if you want a replication target to go for system maintenance or out of commission.

Target Host Name

Identifies the target host machine to which documents are published. This is the replication target host, a host where the Interactive Delivery Services Accelerated (IDSx) target software is installed.

Target Port

The port number of the website’s host machine to use for connections. This must be the port designated when the replication target software was installed.

Target UDP Port

The UDP port on the target host which is used for accelerated file transfer. Unique UDP port has to be used for every IDSx configurations, irrespective of using the same or different IDSx targets.

Connection Type

May be Secure or Non-secure. This is the type of connection used for connections from the source host to the target host. The default is Secure.

Target Root Directory

The physical directory on the target host where the transfer agent places the export data set for publication. Also known as the webroot.

If you change this setting after the initial publishing event for the configuration, you must replicate the configuration again in order to synchronize the target root directory.

Export Properties

You can select this checkbox to export properties to the replication target.

Property Table Name

Type the target host property table name, which is required if you selected Export Properties.


Select this option if you want to ingest content from the replication target to the repository.

Target Ingest Directory

Enter the directory path of the source where the content will be stored.
Transfer Authentication Settings 

User Name

Enter the user name for the data transfer.


Enter the password for the data transfer.


If the target host is on windows, optionally type in a domain where the transfer user exists. If you type in a domain, it overrides domain information provided on the target host during installation.


Adds multiple replication targets.